Data catalog to RDF library

A small Python library for mapping a data catalog to rdf

The library contains helper classes for the following dcat classes:

Other relevant classes are also supported, such as:

The library will map to the Norwegian Application Profile of the DCAT standard.


To install the datacatalogtordf package, run this command in your terminal:

$ pip install datacatalogtordf


This package can be used like this:

from datacatalogtordf import Catalog, Dataset

# Create catalog object
catalog = Catalog()
catalog.identifier = ""
catalog.title = {"en": "A dataset catalog"}
catalog.publisher = ""

# Create a dataset:
dataset = Dataset()
dataset.identifier = ""
dataset.title = {"nb": "inntektsAPI", "en": "incomeAPI"}
# Add concept to catalog:

# get rdf representation in turtle (default)
rdf = catalog.to_rdf()